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Privacy Policy
  • Riya Travel & Tours Inc. requests all its users to read the ‘privacy policy’ to understand how their personal and business information shared for travel services will be treated. Appropriate standards are followed to protect privacy of the customers’ information shared on the website.
  • Riya Travel & Tours Inc. collects information from its user when they register to gain access or order to purchase any travel related services from the website. During the registration the travel data that is stored may include: Name, Address, and Email, Travel Schedules, Seating and Meal Preferences, Accommodations, & Reservation Information, as well as Passport Details that may be essential to fulfil regulation related to the customer’s travel. The information you share is highly confidential and will be shared only for matters related to the customer’s travel.
  • Riya Travel & Tours Inc. may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served with Riya Travel & Tours Inc. or on the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Riya Travel & Tours Inc., the site or the users of Riya Travel & Tours Inc., and (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Riya Travel & Tours Inc., the website or the public.
  • Riya Travel & Tours Inc. uses cookies to provide website user with better experience. Cookies are a small part of data which is stored on the web browser so that if the customer visits the website again it will help Riya Travel & Tours Inc. to provide them with better experience and cookies are only read by server.
  • Riya Travel & Tours Inc. may also disclose information about the customer’s if it determines that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce the terms and conditions or protect the company’s operations or users. Additionally, in the event of a reorganisation, merger, or sale the company may transfer any and all personal information to the relevant third party.
  • This Privacy Policy is subject to the change. Such changes would be updated in the website and readers are requested to go through privacy policy every time they log in. Riya Travel & Tours Inc. will attempt to respond to all reasonable concerns or enquiries within five business days of receipt.